(01) 254 8300

(01) 254 8300

WHIPLASH – Why is it so painful?

Whiplash is a term for an injury to the neck that’s typically associated with a motor vehicle collision. A better term for “whiplash” is “whiplash-associated disorder” (WAD) as it includes specific history and exam findings.  There are usually two phases to an MVC: 1)...

Benefits of Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression

When contemplating spinal decompression in Dublin, Ireland, residents will be encouraged by the enormous long-term benefits that the procedure. They include: Increased Mobility Obesity compounds spinal disease but people who have chronic neck and back pain are not...

How Do I Know if I Qualify for Spinal Decompression?

Proper patient selection is essential to favorable outcomes, so let us explain the inclusion and exclusion criteria so you may make the right decision since not everyone qualifies for Spinal Decompression treatment. Inclusion Criteria: Pain due to herniated and...

Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression Dublin, Ireland

Our office in Dublin, Ireland offers the latest cutting edge technology in the non-surgical treatment of serious chronic low back, neck and sciatica. The USFDA cleared Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression technology for the the treatment of: back pain , sciatica,...