(01) 254 8300

(01) 254 8300

Benefits of Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression

When contemplating spinal decompression in Dublin, Ireland, residents will be encouraged by the enormous long-term benefits that the procedure. They include:

Increased Mobility
Obesity compounds spinal disease but people who have chronic neck and back pain are not able to work without stress. After a spinal decompression procedure, you will need to have rest as well as physiotherapy. The long-term target is to improve mobility. According to a study conducted in 2002, there are many benefits of decompression. The study, published in the Neurosurgery journal, stated that over 94% of patients returned either fully and painlessly mobile or had mobility with very minimal restrictions.

Symptom Relief
Sciatica, herniated disks as well as failed back syndrome tend to be very painful diseases. Spinal compressive disorders symptoms include muscle weakness, numbness of the legs or arms and radiculopathies. Reduction of these serious symptoms is among the long-term benefits of spinal decompression. It does son through removing pressure from nerve roots.

Decreased Debility
Many people fear depending on others as they become old. Spinal disorders like herniated disc, could lead to muscle weakness as well as atrophy and incontinence, things that preclude a person’s ability to remain in workforce. Research shows that second biggest reason that makes people miss work is low back pain. Spinal decompression leads to decreased pain and increased mobility.  Wouldn’t it be nice for you not to worry about debility?

Book Your Spinal Decompression Consultation Today!

For more information or to book your appointment, call us at (01) 254 8300 or click fill out the form below.

    Our Dublin, Ireland Location


    70 Lower Mounttown Road, Dún Laoghaire, South, Co. Dublin