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Relief for Herniated Disc with Spinal Decompression in Dublin, Ireland

Suffering From a Herniated Disc?

A herniated disc can cause pain, numbness, and tingling in the back and legs. If this sounds like you, spinal decompression may be a treatment option worth considering. This non-invasive procedure uses gentle force to separate the vertebrae and create negative pressure within the discs. This helps to relieve pressure on the nerves and improve blood flow to the area.

Spinal decompression is a safe, effective, and minimally invasive treatment that can help you get your life back. You don’t have to suffer from chronic pain any longer – there is an answer, and it’s spinal decompression.

What Is a Herniated Disc and What Are the Symptoms?

A herniated disc, also known as a slipped disc, is a condition in which the inner gel-like nucleus of the spinal disc bulges out of its outer casing. This can cause pain, numbness, and tingling in the back and down one or both legs. The pain may be worse when you cough, sneeze or lift something heavy. A herniated disc often occurs when one of the discs between the vertebrae ruptures or tears. The disc can then bulge or even burst out of its normal space.

What Causes a Herniated Disc?

There are a number of things that can cause a disc to rupture or tear, including:

-Age-related wear and tear

-Injury or trauma

-Lifting something heavy

-Coughing or sneezing

-Repetitive motions

-Bending over or twisting the back

What Are Spinal Decompression Treatments for Herniated Discs Like?

Spinal decompression is a non-surgical treatment option for herniated discs. It uses negative pressure to gently stretch the spine and take pressure off the discs. This can help relieve pain and promote healing. Spinal decompression is usually done with a machine that you lie on. The machine will slowly and gently stretch your spine. You may need to do this for 20 to 30 minutes.

How Does Spinal Decompression Therapy Work to Treat Herniated Discs?

Spinal decompression works by taking pressure off the discs. This allows the discs to heal and decreases the pain. Spinal decompression is a gentle, non-surgical treatment option that can be very effective in treating herniated discs.

What is the Success Rate of Spinal Decompression?

Spinal decompression has been shown to be effective in treating herniated discs. In one study, 86% of people with herniated discs who underwent spinal decompression therapy had significant improvement in their symptoms.

What Are the Benefits of Spinal Decompression Therapy Over Surgery or Other Treatments Options?

Spinal decompression therapy is a non-invasive treatment option, which means there is no surgery involved. It is also a relatively gentle treatment, which can make it a good choice for people who are older or in poor health. Non-surgical Spinal decompression has a high success rate, and many people find that it relieves their pain and helps them to heal faster than other treatments options. It is also a relatively affordable treatment.

What Leads to a Herniated Disc?

The discs between your vertebrae can hold a lot of pressure, and when they herniate or rupture it’s possible for that same amount to be placed on top of the spinal cord. This may result in pain as well as numbness/ weakness near where these changes happen within you’re spine!

What causes Symptoms of a Herniated Disc?

The constant pressure from a herniated disc can irritate the nerves and cause shooting, electrical pain down one side of your body. If this is left untreated there’s an increased risk for numbness or tingling in hands/feet as well!

What are the Symptoms of a Herniated Disc?

When the spinal cord becomes compressed, it can cause harmful signals to be passed from one nerve ending group of muscles or fibres. This may result in problems with muscle strength and movement due to lack of transmission at certain points along that route – this would lead you to have some form of electric pain while eating for example! If not treated properly these symptoms could worsen over time until there’s no going back again.

How does Spinal Decompression help a Herniated Disc?

The process of non-surgical spinal decompression slowly lengthens and decompresses the spine, creating negative pressures within discs. This vacuum pulls material from bulging or rotted areas to restore structural integrity while taking pressure off pinched nerves so they do not become permanently damaged over time

In many cases, this can help people who suffer from chronic lower Back Pain because it relieves them entirely!

What are Spinal Decompression Treatments Like?

The process of spinal decompression has been proven to help restore function and relieve pain in many people. When pressure is applied, it causes a vacuum effect which pulls nutrients into the discs along with oxygen-rich blood flow that helps nourish them for healing purposes!

What is the Typical Treatment Protocol for Spinal Decompression?

We understand how important your back is to you. That’s why we make sure that at the beginning of each session, there are comfortable harnesses designed for optimal decompression and relief from pressure on low-back or neck areas

A spinal treatment begins with slow lengthening as discs gradually get flexible again – it’s safe & relaxing! Some patients report mild discomfort during the first few visits but usually find themselves feeling much better after subsequent treatments due to this procedure being very successful in relieving injuries (especially when combined therapy like exercise/relaxation techniques). Our safety switch provides an extra layer of protection: allowing us to stop before anything happens

Why is Spinal Decompression Different from Traction, Physical Therapy and Chiropractic Manipulation?

The human spine is a series of exciting, moving muscles and joints that work together to allow you to move from one position into another. But when something goes wrong in this complex system-like an injury or chronic pain condition such as sciatica nerve compression affects your lower backside -it can cause lots of problems with movement along the way!

The solution? Spinal decompression therapy sessions where negative pressures are used during treatment by slowly pulling on individual segments (or “disks”) inside our vertebrae to unlock hidden nerves sending messages up through each disc causing instant release for

Patients need to make sure they’re being treated by a true expert in spinal decompression tables with clinicians who have many years of experience, not some imitator.  

What Causes & Risks Are Common?

The human spine is a series of adults who twist and bends it to fulfil our daily life. Some people are born with deformed discs, others can’t remember the cause but they suffer from herniation anyways 

A few common causes for this condition include sudden trauma such as car accidents or overwhelming strain due to heavy lifting; some even sneeze unexpectedly which puts more force onto these unstable areas in your back! Another contributing factor may be repetitive activities that involve flexing muscles around joints while sitting down without proper support.

Does Spinal Decompression Work for Everyone?


Spinal decompression is a safe and effective medical procedure with an incredibly high success rate. But like any other treatment, there are always going to be people who do not respond well enough for their needs–and in most cases, these individuals have other underlying health issues that could lead them to permanent nerve damage or chronic pain if left untreated

In our society of today where we’re looking out only at ourselves when it comes time to take care of ourselves, this has caused much debate about whether all possible risks should automatically outweigh potential benefits.

What Are the Benefits of Spinal Decompression?

The benefits of spinal decompression are many! From reducing or eliminating pain to increasing mobility and range of motion, this therapy can provide much-needed relief for those suffering from

Are You Suffering From a Herniated Disc?

A herniated disc can cause pain, numbness, and tingling in the back and legs. If this sounds like you, spinal decompression may be a treatment option that can help relieve your symptoms.

Spinal Decompression is a non-invasive treatment that doesn’t require surgery or medication. It’s a safe and effective way to get relief from your symptoms.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and see if spinal decompression is right for you!


  1. https://www.mychirolovesme.com/storage/app/media/drx9000-case-study.pdf
  2. Ito, T., Takano, Y. and Yuasa, N., 2001. Types of lumbar herniated disc and clinical course. Spine, 26(6), pp.648-651.
  3. Ozturk, B., Gunduz, O.H., Ozoran, K. and Bostanoglu, S., 2006. Effect of continuous lumbar traction on the size of herniated disc material in lumbar disc herniation. Rheumatology international, 26(7), pp.622-626.
  4. MIRZA, SOHAIL K., and AUGUSTUS A. WHITE III. “Anatomy of intervertebral disc and pathophysiology of herniated disc disease.” Journal of clinical laser medicine & surgery 13, no. 3 (1995): 131-142.
  5. https://assets.researchsquare.com/files/rs-319423/v1/2d27334e-b448-4294-9123-d36a0a52c9fd.pdf?c=1645453521
  6. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6709608/
  7. Ito, T., Yamada, M., Ikuta, F., Fukuda, T., Hoshi, S.I., Kawaji, Y., Uchiyama, S., Homma, T. and Takahashi, H.E., 1996. Histologic evidence of absorption of sequestration-type herniated disc. Spine, 21(2), pp.230-234.
  8. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Megha-Sheth/publication/345923831_Effect_of_non-surgical_spinal_decompression_therapy_on_walking_duration_in_subjects_with_lumbar_radiculopathy_A_randomized_controlled_trial/links/5fbf4a0392851c933f5d242d/Effect-of-non-surgical-spinal-decompression-therapy-on-walking-duration-in-subjects-with-lumbar-radiculopathy-A-randomized-controlled-trial.pdf

Book Your Spinal Decompression Consultation Today!

For more information or to book your appointment, call us at (01) 254 8300 or click fill out the form below.

    Our Dublin, Ireland Location


    70 Lower Mounttown Road, Dún Laoghaire, South, Co. Dublin