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Spinal Decompression for a Pinched Nerve

Do you suffer from a pinched nerve? Chronic pain, numbness and tingling, or even muscle weakness can be caused by a pinched nerve. Fortunately for those suffering from these symptoms, there is an effective treatment—spinal decompression! As a chiropractor dedicated to holistically treating patients with compromised spinal health, I highly recommend trying spinal decompression to help alleviate the discomfort that comes along with having a pinched nerve. Read on as we discuss what exactly spinal decompression involves and why it might be beneficial for your condition.

As a general rule, non-surgical spinal decompression therapy can help relieve pain caused by a pinched nerve by gently stretching the spine to alleviate pressure on the affected nerve.

What Is a Pinched Nerve and How Does It Happen?

A pinched nerve is an injury or a compression of a nerve caused by surrounding tissue. It can occur in any part of the body, but most commonly affects nerves in the neck and lower back. The pressure on the nerve can be caused by repetitive motions, such as typing on a keyboard for long periods of time, carrying heavy objects, or sports injuries. Other causes may include direct trauma to the area, degenerative diseases such as arthritis, bulging discs, bone spurs, tumours, inflammation from lupus or rheumatoid arthritis, and even improper sleep positions.

The symptoms associated with a pinched nerve depend on where the nerve is located and how severe the compression is. Common symptoms include pain that spreads from the area of injury to other parts of the body, numbness in the affected area, tingling sensations, and reduced mobility. Muscle weakness may also occur. In severe cases, a pinched nerve can cause loss of coordination or even paralysis.

Treatment for a pinched nerve is usually focused on reducing pressure on the affected nerve as quickly as possible. This often involves rest, over-the-counter pain medications such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen, physical therapy, and in some cases corticosteroid injections or even surgery if other treatments are not successful. Keeping active while avoiding movements that aggravate the symptoms is key to managing a pinched nerve successfully. Additionally, lifestyle changes like improving posture and using ergonomic furniture may help prevent pinched nerves from occurring in the first place.

Though a pinched nerve can be uncomfortable and even disabling, it is often treatable with non-surgical methods and lifestyle adjustments. It is important to speak with a doctor about possible treatments for a pinched nerve as soon as symptoms appear, as timely treatment can reduce long-term complications or permanent damage to the affected nerve. Talking to your doctor sooner rather than later will ensure that you receive proper treatment and protection from further injury or discomfort.

What Are the Symptoms of a Pinched Nerve in the Spine?

The symptoms of a pinched nerve in the spine depend on where the nerve is located and how severe the compression is. Generally, a pinched nerve will cause pain either directly at the site of injury or radiating from that area to other parts of the body. Other common symptoms of a pinched spinal nerve include numbness in affected areas, tingling sensations, reduced mobility and muscle weakness. In severe cases, loss of coordination or even paralysis can occur. Depending on which nerves are compressed, these symptoms can manifest in any part of the body; for example, if a cervical vertebrae pinch a cervical spinal nerve root then neck pain and stiffness may be experienced while shoulder and arm pain may be felt if a thoracic vertebra pinched a thoracic spinal nerve root.

In addition to localized pain, other symptoms of a pinched nerve in the spine may include headaches, neck tightness and stiffness, shoulder blade or rib pain, and tingling sensations in any part of the body along with numbness and/or weakness. These can occur regardless of whether the nerves are compressed by muscle, bone or scar tissue. It’s important to speak with your doctor if you experience any of these symptoms as they can be indicative of serious underlying conditions that require medical attention.

How Can Spinal Decompression Help Relieve the Pain and Discomfort Caused by a Pinched Nerve in the Spine?

Spinal decompression is a non-surgical treatment option for relieving the pain and discomfort caused by a pinched nerve in the spine. This technique uses traction to gently separate the vertebrae, providing relief from pressure on the nerve root. Spinal decompression done with modern equipment is often more effective than manual methods as it can provide prolonged periods of low-level force that helps stretch and relax muscles, tendons, and ligaments.

Studies have shown that spinal decompression therapy can be an effective treatment for chronic back pain caused by degenerative disc disease or herniated discs, helping to relieve pain while also restoring range of motion. Additionally, this technique has been found to improve blood flow to damaged discs, increasing their ability to heal and reducing the risk of nerve irritation or compression.

Though spinal decompression can provide relief from symptoms of a pinched nerve in the spine, it is important to consult with your doctor before beginning any treatment regimen as this technique may not be appropriate for everyone. If you have already undergone surgery or if your condition is severe, then other treatments such as physical therapy or medications may be recommended instead.

By following your doctor’s advice and making lifestyle changes that prioritize good posture and core strength, you will be able to manage the pain associated with a pinched nerve in the spine more effectively. Taking proper precautions such as using ergonomic furniture and avoiding activities that involve direct pressure on nerves will also help reduce the risk of further injury. Seeing

Finally, proper nutrition and exercise are essential for aiding in the healing process, as well as helping you maintain your overall wellness. Eating a balanced diet rich in essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients can help reduce inflammation throughout your body and provide the energy needed to restore strength to affected areas. Regular physical activity helps keep your muscles flexible and strong, which assists with relieving pressure on pinched nerves in the spine. Additionally, it is important to get plenty of rest so that your body has time to heal itself naturally. Taking steps like these will not only help you manage symptoms associated with a pinched nerve but can help prevent future episodes from occurring.

What Are the Risks Associated With Spinal Decompression Therapy for a Pinched Nerve in the Spine?

Spinal decompression therapy is generally considered a safe and effective treatment for relieving symptoms of a pinched nerve in the spine. However, there are certain risks associated with this technique, including:

• Muscle spasms. Spinal decompression can cause muscle spasms around the affected area, which can be uncomfortable or even painful. To help minimize this risk, it is important to stay properly hydrated before and after each session and to speak with your doctor if your muscles become tense during treatment.

• Nerve damage. In rare cases, spinal decompression therapy can inadvertently cause damage to nerve roots due to excessive pressure on them during traction. To reduce the risk of this complication, make sure that you discuss any medical conditions or preexisting injuries with your doctor before beginning treatment.

• Exacerbation of symptoms. In some cases, spinal decompression therapy can temporarily increase irritation and inflammation in the affected area, leading to an exacerbation of symptoms. To reduce the likelihood of this occurring, it is important that you are honest and open with your doctor about any pain or discomfort that you experience during treatment.

In general, spinal decompression therapy is a safe and effective option for relieving pain associated with a pinched nerve in the spine. However, it is important to speak with your doctor beforehand to make sure that this technique is appropriate for you and to discuss any potential risks involved.

How Long Will I Need to Undergo Treatment for a Pinched Nerve in the Spine Through Spinal Decompression Therapy?

The length of time that you need to undergo spinal decompression therapy for a pinched nerve in the spine will depend on the severity of your condition and how well you respond to treatment. Generally speaking, most people can begin to experience relief from their symptoms after just a few sessions. However, it may take up to 10-15 treatments total before full pain relief is achieved.

It is also important to note that while spinal decompression therapy can help alleviate symptoms associated with a pinched nerve, it cannot cure this condition entirely. Therefore, it is important to continue with any other treatments prescribed by your doctor such as physical therapy or lifestyle changes in order to maintain pain relief over the long term. Additionally, regular follow-up visits with your doctor will help ensure that any changes to your condition are monitored and appropriately handled.

In summary, spinal decompression therapy is a safe and effective treatment option for relieving pain associated with a pinched nerve in the spine. The length of time required for treatment will vary depending on the individual, but most people can expect to begin seeing results within just a few sessions. It is important to continue with any other treatments prescribed by your doctor in order to maintain long-term relief from symptoms. Additionally, regular follow-up visits with your physician can help monitor any changes in your condition and make sure that you are staying healthy. With proper care and dedication to these treatments, most individuals can experience significant relief from their symptoms when using spinal decompression therapy.


If you are suffering from a pinched nerve, there is hope. Spinal decompression is a safe and effective way to treat a pinched nerve without having to go through surgery. There are many different types of spinal decompression treatments available, so be sure to talk to your doctor or chiropractor about which one is right for you. Non-surgical spinal decompression is a non-invasive treatment option that can provide relief from pain caused by a pinched nerve. Chiropractic care and physiotherapy are also effective treatment options for a pinched nerve. If you are suffering from pain caused by a pinched nerve, don’t hesitate to reach out to us today to schedule an appointment. We would love to help you find the relief you need.

Book Your Spinal Decompression Consultation Today!

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